Our Commitments! 

Responsible & Sustainable Tourism

Amo Zanzibar Tours is committed to following an ethical line of conduct that respects Zanzibar's natural and cultural environment.

Through our tours, we try to rebalance the tourist flow of the destination by offering different and unconventional tours that respect the local environment.

“We offer our guests thoughtful, sustainable and authentic experiences.
In all our operations, we respect, cherish and preserve Zanzibar's cultural heritage, natural beauty and resources.
In cooperation with our partners, we promote mindful, responsible tourism that benefits the local community, supports and encourages conservation efforts, and facilitates real encounters between visitors and residents.

- Amour, Noreen and the entire team -

Support Local Communities

Our commitment goes beyond simple financial support. We work hand in hand with local providers, themselves involved in the preservation of their island. Indeed, we are committed to bringing you together with those working every day to improve the life quality of local populations and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Zanzibar. You will be able in each of our circuits, to visit the projects, the initiatives and the people who carry them to understand better your impact, the local problems and the wonderful solutions which are thought to answer them! Because travelling for us is above all made up of meetings and exchanges, we are committed to immersing you in an authentic and human Zanzibar!

How to offset your carbon footprint ?

When you travel, you consume carbon by flying, driving, simply living. ClimateCare suggests you to calculate your carbon footprint and offset it to travel ecologically. Moreover, this organization supports sustainable programs or project development for the environnement and education.